AUGUSTA DUE Srl is an independent shipping company operating in the product tankers sector since 1994.
The Company business is ownership and management of a versatile fleet, own and chartered, specialized in the transport of refined petroleum and petrochemical products, serving the main national and international petroleum companies and trading companies.
The Company has acquired over the time a still growing fleet of oil and chemical tankers working for the most reputable Oil Major Companies.
Currently the Company has a leading position in the Mediterranean market as being the only company able to cover a fleet range from 3.000 up to 42.000 MT DWT giving the opportunity to satisfy charters requirements at 360° delivering to the customers with customized value-added and first class services.
We acknowledge that the maritime transportation is a very specialised sector where is necessary to interact with our clients and study for the specific solutions since we know that this is an added value for both the parties, we have directed our energies in this direction and our company has developed and is still continuously growing on some guidelines that constitute our identity.
During the last years, our main commitment has been the renewal of the fleet and now the result is that we are an important reality in the Mediterranean Sea.
Our mission is to connect different parts of the world carrying in the safest way essential products with the uppermost respect to the environment. The most important recognition of our efforts is the trust of our clients and our seafarers. We are deeply committed to quality.
Our compliance with ISM systems is certified by RINA.
ISO 9001 & 14001 certification from RINA towards our ‘Environment friendly’ and ‘Customer first’ attitude.
From January 2014, the Company has also adopted and implemented the Italian Legislative Decree n. 231/2001 guide-line that has introduced into the Company the Culture of internal controls as a means of illegal acts prevention
In 1994 Mr Raffaele Brullo, after many years of direct experience in the shipping field and maritime transportation of oils and chemical products, decided to build his own shipping company. He bought his first vessel, an old 8100 dwt renamed Costanza. She was followed between 1994 and 1996 by the LEO, a 7620 dwt, the Meligunte a 11695 dwt and the Airone a 3200 dwt
In 1999 was purchased the MT Stromboli, a 17200 dwt oil tanker.
In the year 2000 was taken over the first newbuilding, a double hull stainless steel oil/chemical tanker of 18000 dwt.
From that moment the fleet kept growing mostly with new buildings.
Despite the financial crisis in 2008, and the challenging years that followed, the Mednav group expansion continued apace.
Twenty-five years later, the company house flag is flying onboard 12 vessels.
In 2021 the company is still growing with the acquisition under management of additional ships and one eye toward a sustainable future.

Our operating model is designed to deliver faster decisions. The very essence of our leadership is to have a Vision that shall be articulated clearly and forcefully on every occasion. As "Good business leaders we create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion." Leaders have a vision. They share a dream and direction that other people want to share and follow. Our leadership vision goes beyond our written organizational mission statement and our vision statement.
Our core values form part of our team culture and have been incorporated into our day-to-day approach to service delivery. We pride ourselves on offering high quality, friendly, knowledgeable and professional service; We recognize the individual strengths and qualities of each person on our team and we combine our skills and knowledge to deliver a quality service to all of our customers and stakeholders. Our people are our greatest asset and strength and success depends on all of us delivering together. We have maintained our dividend during the year and remain committed to growing sustainable free cash flow. I believe that our current financial framework can support these commitments.
Augusta Due Srl’s Mission is:
to connect different parts of the world carrying in the safest way essential products with the uppermost respect to the Human Life, the Environmental, the Property & the Energy Efficiency.
To be in compliance with ILO’s Maritime Labour Conventions 2006, to ensure comprehensive worldwide protection of the rights of seafarers and establishes a level playing field for countries and ship owners committed to providing decent working and living conditions for seafarers, protecting them from unfair competition on the part of substandard ships
to provide the highest level of service to our Customers, in order to build a trustworthy and long lasting relationship;
to adhere to the highest Ethical and Professional standards to avoid any “victimization”, “Bullying” and “Harassment” act.
to provide a safe and happy work environment for our crew, in which necessary resources are provided to individuals in order to develop their job skills and competencies
to Communicate her Vision and Strategies to Whole Organization
to effectively manage the “Opportunities” and the “Risks” in order to obtain a competitive advantage, in a long-term perspective, to the satisfaction of stakeholders as well as the achievement of own goals of business
Augusta Due S.r.l.’s aim/aspiration is to reduce the impacts of its cargo-carrying operation for HSSEEn (Health, Safety, Security, Environment and Energy Efficiency) and to archive long-term goals and aspirations through a continuous improvement of the own Integrated Management System;
It’s Vision is to continuously improve operations by seeking the achievement of Zero Spills, and Zero Injuries/Accidents, Zero Cyber Security and Security Accidents to operate and run lower emissions-higher Energy Efficient of ships as part of the Global Effort to reduce Greenhouse gases (GHG) and thereby contribute to a cleaner global environment;
The very essence of Augusta Due Srl’s Leadership is to have a Vision that shall be articulate clearly and forcefully on every occasion; As “Good Business Leaders we create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion”. Leaders have vision, they share a dream and direction that other people want to share and follow. The our leadership vision, to reaches the Excellence, goes beyond our written organizational mission statement and our vision statement.
Vision is not enough it must be combined with venture
Integrity, compelling cause, innovation, transparency and corporate culture - is central to our success and is much more than a set of minimum standards
Our core values form part of our team culture